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Bukit Timah, Singapore
HCI 2A1'10 / M'sian scholar / CCA Chinese Chess / Reading / Football / Listening to music / Maths / Liverpool fan

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Live Our Dreams, Fly Our Flags

Apologises for not blogging for such a long time. It has been a hectic schedule of tests, project work, competitions and so on. Now that the worst of the term is almost over, I managed squeeze in time to update my blog.

Celebrated every 9th August, this year's Singapore National Day is like no other. In commemoration of Singapore's independence from Malaysia in 1965, the parade was held in the Padang. The slogan for 2010, "Live Our Dreams, Fly Our Flags" probably means different things to different people. To me, I think that it calls for all Singaporeans to embrace each other and unite as one front, working together to strive towards achieving national goals - to live our dreams, instead of having in mind only of individual aims or aspirations. By contributing to a greater cause, Singapore would then be able to move towards a future everyone can be proud of and not to be ashamed to declare that this is Singapore - to fly our flags.

Below is the NDP 2010 Theme Song "Song for Singapore" by Corrinne May, a local singer-songwriter.

The song contains a line that particularly strikes me. "In all I've done, I've been nurtured in your arms, and you've carried me this far." Undeniably Singapore has done a lot for its citizens. A safe neighbourhood, a green environment, an effective transport system, a good education and plentiful work opportunities. Sounds idealistic but it is true from my point-of-view. Now after 45 years, it is time for Singaporeans to contribute back to the community. The YOG has begun, and Singapore certainly needs full support from its citizens to make it a success, to prove its worth to the world.

Here are some previous NDP theme songs (my favourites) for your listening pleasure.

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